Responsible Distribution/Regulatory Compliance

FloChem is a member company of Responsible Distribution® Canada (RDC), a non-profit trade association for the distribution sector of the Canadian chemical industry. We are committed to the association’s management program, which ensures a continual reduction of incidents that may result in or threaten injury to people or damage to the environment.

This means we are ready to work with you to ensure the safe storage, handling, distribution, use and disposal of chemical products. The intent of this initiative is to minimize adverse effects on human health and well-beingand on the environment.

Toxics Reduction Act


The Toxics Reduction Act requires certain manufacturing and mineral processing facilities to examine how and why they use and/or create prescribed toxics substances and consider opportunities for reduction.


The Toxics Reduction Act aims to protect the health of people and the environment by:

  • encouraging regulated facilities to reduce their use and creation of prescribed substances
  • providing public access to information and data reported by facilities under the program

Reporting and planning requirements

The Toxics Reduction Program requires facilities to:

  • track and account for each prescribed substance at the facility: how it is used, created, released, recycled, disposed of, transferred and contained in product(s)
  • submit to the Ministry an annual report, make certain parts of the report available to the public, and notify employees within five days of providing it to the public
  • develop a plan to reduce the use and creation of each prescribed substance at the facility
  • submit to the Ministry a plan summary for each toxic substance reduction plan developed and make the summary available to the public

Regulatory Compliance: Toxic Reduction Plan Reports